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외국회사와 싸울 때, 컴플레인, 분쟁 시 유용한 항의 영어 메일 문장 단계별 표현

by 알려주마님 2023. 11. 1.


외국회사랑 일할 때, 분쟁이 발생하거나 일을 맘에 안들게 처리하거나 갑자기 딜레이가 되거나 할때마다 답답하시죠?

그럴때 영어로 뭔가 화도 내고 싸우기도 하고 겁도 주고 해야하는데.. 뭐라고 써야할지.. 한글로 하면 참 쉬운데 영어로

표현하기가 어렵습니다. 이 표현이 실무에서 실제로 쓰는 표현인지도 모르겠고, 뉘앙스가 어떻게 받아들여질지, 너무

강하게 느낄지 아니면 반대로 약하게 느껴질지 등, 걱정스러운 부분이 한두가지가 아닙니다. 


그래서 아래와 같이 컴플레인 단계별로 유용한 표현과 실제 예시를 들어서 알려드립니다. 


[1단계 - 가장 약한 단계의 컴플레인] 


I have a concern regarding…

I have a concern regarding the recent changes in the project guidelines.


I'm not sure if you've noticed, but…

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there have been consistent errors in the monthly reports.


I was under the impression that…

I was under the impression that we were to be informed about any changes in advance.


I'd like to bring to your attention…

I'd like to bring to your attention the frequent system downtimes we've been experiencing lately.


It seems like there has been a misunderstanding…

It seems like there has been a misunderstanding regarding the delivery date of the materials.


I'm a bit concerned about…

I'm a bit concerned about the lack of communication between our teams.


I was hoping we could discuss…

I was hoping we could discuss the feedback I received on my last assignment.


It's come to my attention that…

It's come to my attention that some team members aren't aware of the recent policy updates.


I'd appreciate it if you could look into…

I'd appreciate it if you could look into the issues with our software license.


I feel that we need to address…

I feel that we need to address the inconsistent quality of the products we're receiving.


[예시 - 발주기한보다 딜리버리가 늦어진 상황에서 약한 컴플레인]


Subject: Concern Regarding Outstanding Delivery


Dear [상대방 이름 or Supplier's Name],


I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to discuss an issue regarding our recent order.

I'd like to bring to your attention that we have yet to receive the delivery which was promised to us by October 31st. As you can 

understand, we rely heavily on timely deliveries to ensure the smooth operation of our business, and any delay can have 

cascading effects on our commitments to our customers.


I was under the impression that we would receive the goods by the specified date, especially considering our previous 

discussions and the terms of our agreement. It is crucial for us to understand the reason behind this delay and to receive an 

updated timeline for the delivery.


While we value our partnership and understand that unforeseen issues can arise, timely communication is vital in such 



Could you please provide us with an update on the situation and an estimated date of delivery? We hope to resolve this matter

 promptly and continue our successful collaboration.


Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I await your prompt response.

Warm regards,

[당신의 이름]




[2단계 - 중간 단계의 컴플레인] 

This is unacceptable.

This level of delay is unacceptable. We were promised a timely delivery.

I must insist that…

I must insist that we get a clear answer on this matter.

We cannot tolerate/overlook…

 We cannot tolerate these recurring mistakes in our invoices.

This needs to be addressed immediately.

This security breach needs to be addressed immediately.

I'm extremely disappointed with…

I'm extremely disappointed with the service we've received.

This has gone beyond a simple oversight.

This has gone beyond a simple oversight; it’s now affecting our bottom line.

I expect a prompt resolution to this.

Given the severity of the issue, I expect a prompt resolution to this.

I won't accept any further delays/excuses.

I won't accept any further delays on the project.

I need you to take immediate action on this.

I need you to take immediate action on these recurring shipment errors.

This is a serious matter, and I expect it to be treated as such.

This is a serious violation of our agreement, and I expect it to be treated as such.


이런 문장들은 강력한 표현이므로 상황에 따라 적절하게 사용해야 합니다. 상대방의 반응이나 상황의 중요성을 고려하여 단호한 주장을 표현할 때 사용할 수 있습니다.



[예시 - 납기 후 대금지급이 3개월 이상 지연되고, 계속해서 약속을 어기는 상황에서 중간단계의 분쟁수준]

Subject: Urgent: Outstanding Payment for Over 3 Months

Dear [바이어 이름 or Buyer's Company Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the outstanding payment that has been 

pending for over three months now. As previously agreed upon, payments are to be settled promptly, and this extended delay

 has severely impacted our operations and financial planning.

I must insist on a clear resolution to this matter. We have been patient and understanding, accommodating your requests and 

the reasons for delays you provided in our previous correspondences. However, this has gone beyond a simple oversight. It's 

concerning that our repeated communications and your commitments to settle the payment have not resulted in any concrete 



I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of responsibility shown towards our agreement. It is vital for us to maintain a 

trustworthy and dependable business relationship, and honoring payment terms is a fundamental aspect of that relationship.


I expect a prompt resolution to this matter. Please provide a clear timeline for the payment settlement and ensure there are no 

further delays. Failure to address this issue promptly may lead us to reconsider the terms of our partnership and seek 

alternative channels for resolution.


Thank you for your immediate attention to this critical matter. I hope we can swiftly resolve this and continue with a healthy

 business relationship.



[당신의 이름]



[3단계 - 가장 강력한 단계의 컴플레인]


This is utterly unacceptable.

What you have done is utterly unacceptable, and I won't stand for it.

This is the last straw.

 After all the mistakes, this is the last straw. I'm terminating our contract.

You've crossed the line.

With your recent actions, you've crossed the line, and I cannot ignore it.

I've had enough of this.

I've had enough of these delays and broken promises.

This is an absolute disgrace.

The way you've handled this situation is an absolute disgrace.

I will not be treated this way.

I am a loyal customer, and I will not be treated this way.

I'm at the end of my rope with this.

With the continuous issues, I'm at the end of my rope with this project.

I will take further action if necessary.

If this isn't resolved immediately, I will take further action.

Enough is enough.

I've been patient, but enough is enough.

I've never been so disappointed and angry.

In all my years of working with vendors, I've never been so disappointed and angry.

이러한 표현들은 매우 강력하므로 상황이 정말로 그러한 반응을 필요로 할 때만 사용해야 합니다. 

상대방의 반응이나 상황의 중요성을 충분히 고려하여 사용하는 것이 중요합니다.



[예시 -  제품하자 상황에서 메이커가 하자에 대한 책임회피 상황, 소송 직전에 가장 강력한 컴플레인]


Subject: Defective Product Delivery – Immediate Action Required


Dear [메이커 이름 or Maker's Company Name],


I am writing to address the recent delivery of products which, upon inspection, have been found to have serious defects. This


not only breaches our contract but also endangers our brand reputation and the trust of our clients.



I've had enough of the dismissive attitude and baseless denials from your side. The evidence of defects is irrefutable, and the


attempts to avoid responsibility are both unprofessional and unethical.



This is the last straw. We have tried to approach this matter with understanding and patience, hoping for an amicable resolution.


However, your company's unwillingness to acknowledge the issue and provide a solution has pushed us to the brink.



You've crossed the line. If we don't see immediate corrective action and a concrete proposal for compensation, we will have no


choice but to take legal action. I will not allow our company to suffer due to the negligence and irresponsibility displayed by


your team.



This is an absolute disgrace, and I've never been so disappointed and angry with a supplier before. I demand immediate action,


a proper acknowledgment of the defects, and a comprehensive plan to address the situation. We will be consulting our legal


team and are prepared to escalate this to the courts if necessary.



Consider this email a final warning. I expect a response within the next 48 hours, outlining your corrective measures.




[당신의 이름]


